domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009

This is the story of a small child who was born in Poland. He had 2 sisters, the youngest was Julie she was 4 years, James was 8 and the older sister was Emily who had 12 years.
His parents were Peter and Victoria, they lived in a small house in Poland. His father work in a factory and the mother was a housewife. The childrens go to school until one day some German soldiers arrived and entered the classroom and told them that tomorrow the school will be closed and never will open it again this school was pure Jewish children.
Mom talked with Dad about this and he replied that in the factory where he work´s had gone too few soldiers who were told that the workers that were Jews from tomorrow will not work.The next day the children were playing outside his home with his friends in the neighborhood that they lived are all Jewish people, they saw that some militar cars are parked and they went down German soldiers that began knoking the door of all the houses when they came to the house of the brothers the soldiers told to the kids that go inside his house because they need to talk with they and his parents.
The soldiers told them that tomorrow at 7:00 am a train will be waiting to take them to a ghetto in Germany the soldiers told them they had to be punctual and not packed anything because they wouldn´t need anything. Then Peter gets upset and told the soldiers that he and his family would not leave his house that they had no right to take them out of their house.
Then a soldier told him that if he did not leave on time they would kill him and his entire family and gave him a blow with his gun in the stomach. The next day came at the scheduled time the train arrived and all their neighbors and friends was going up to the wagons of the train but it was so small that all was very tight and did not even they could sit.
They spent 3 days traveling they were hungry because they eat very little a friend of Victoria had a baby but he died on day 2 by hunger and cold the lady was very sad, crying all day and not wanted to get rid of her baby died.
The next day the soldiers told the family that on Friday they would lead to a concentration camp and that they would be split between men and women.Friday arrived all were scared because they did not want to separate they traveled for 2 days and half when they arrived at the concentration camp, divided into men and women.

James was crying because he did not want to leave without her mother and her sisters.Dad told her that everything would be right that nothing would happen to them when all ends they will beagain the happy family as before. James and his father arrived in the courtyard of the concentration camp where soldiers was giving instructions to them.
The soldiers kill to the old people, children and the young men go to work.The soldiers for them to identify they mark them with a number and each time the soldiers call them they called by their numbers.
One day Peter was working and he dropped an anvil, a soldier saw him and shot him but the soldier did not intend to kill him if not suffered until he died.
The soldier brought Peter to the place where they had all the bodies of Jews who had killed but still alive. The working day was over and Richie a friend of Peter and James came on and sits in the place where Peter slept.
James still not arrived from work and Richie was very sad for the dead of Peter.James came in and did not see his dad and asked Richie what happened to his father.Richie replied that a soldier kill him because he dropped an anvil, James began to cry and mourn for impotence that had not been able to be there help her father or to defend it.

Wich was the motto of the survivors of the Holacaust?
"Never Forget"

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