viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

Night page 23 to 46

What is a Ghetto?
The term came into expanded use in Ghettos in occupied Europe 1939-1944 where the Jews were required to live prior to their transportation to concentration and extermination camps.
The term ghetto still has a similar meaning, but referring to broader range of social situations, such as any poverty-stricken urban area.

A ghetto is formed in three ways:

  • As ports of entry for racial minorities, and immigrant racial minorities
  • When the majority uses compulsion (typically violence, hostility, or legal barriers) to force minorities into particular areas.
  • When economic conditions make it difficult for minority members to live in non-minority areas.
Where did the Nazi Army settle those ghettos?
Most of the ghettos located mainly in Eastern Europe occupied by the Nazis were enclosed with walls, barbed wire fences or gates. The ghettos were overcrowded and were extremely unhealthy. Hunger, chronic shortages, harsh winters and lack of public services resulted in outbreaks and high mortality. The largest ghetto in Poland was the Warsaw ghetto, where approximately 450,000 Jews were crowded into an area of 1.3 square miles. Other important were the ghettos of Lodz, Krakow (Cracow), Bialystok, Lvov, Lublin, Vilna, Kovno, Czestochowa, and Minsk.

What is the difference between a concentration camp and extermination camp?
The concentration camps:
Most of the prisoners in the first concentration camps were German Communists, socialists, social democrats, Roma (Gypsies), Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals and Christian clergy, and people accused of conduct "asocial" or abnormal. After the annexation of Austria in March 1938, the Nazis arrested German and Austrian Jews and imprisoned them in camps of Dachau, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen, in Germany. After the pogroms of Kristallnacht in November 1938, the Nazis carried out mass arrests of Jewish men and imprisoned them in camps for short periods

The extermination camps
This were designed to exterminate the Jews who were murdered just entering the field, which from 1945 until 1942 and led to the Holocaust or Shoah, and the deaths of approximately six million Jews.

Locate the following camps in a map and explain if they are concentration or extermination camps:
  • Bergen- Belzen- It was a concentration camp builded in 1936

  • Aushwitz- there was 3 tipes of camps Aushwits I the original concentration camp which served as administrative center for the whole complex. In this area killed nearly 70,000 Polish intellectuals and Soviet prisoners of war, Aushwits II an extermination camp and the place where they died about a million Jews and about 19,000 Gypsies and Aushwitz III.

  • Dachau- It was the firs concentration camp and the Germans used as an exmple for the other concentration camps.

  • Trebilka- It was an extermination camp that began killing inocent people in july 1942 till october 1943.

  • Buchenwald- It was the biggest concentration camp it was funccion during july 1937 till april 1945.
This part of the book I thik is the most important because he bagan talking about all the bad treats that the germans do to Jewish people.
The part when the friend of his father told thet he works in the crematoriums and that he need to burn his dad I think that he coluldn´t do it but well he need to do it because if not the germans will kill him and I suppose that when he burn his dad he feel like sad, impotence and courage.
While I was researching the information we need I found a page that said that some Nazis were working in the goverment of the United States I personally I don´t agree with this because they are bad people and I think all the Nazis soldiers were killed the same way as they do to the Jewish people.

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