domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

Night page 47 to 65

Why were the prisioners tattoed or marked on their forerarms? Does this action have a religious implication?
During the Holocaust, all the prisoners of the concentration camps were tattooed in the same complex: in Auschwitz's concentration camp, formed by Auschwitz I, Auschwitz II and Auschwitz III. To the prisoners who were coming there was assigned to them a number of series of the field, which was sewed to his uniforms. Only a number of series was given to the prisoners selected to work; those who were sent directly to the gas chambers, one neither was registering them they nor were tattooed.
Initially, to the prisoners who were in the hospital or who were going to be executed, the authorities of the SS they were marking the number of series of the field with indelible ink in the part of the uniform that was covering the chest. When the prisoners were executed or dying of some another way, the clothes were removing itself them with the number of series. Given the rate of mortality in the field, was impossible to identify the bodies after the clothes were removing itself them. In order to identify the corpses of the registered prisoners, the authorities of the SS initiated the practice of the tattoo.
Initially, there was used a special stamp of metal that had interchangeable numbers consisted of needles of approximately a centimeter of length. Thus it was possible to mark the complete number of series of an alone time in the top left part of the chest of the prisoner. Then there was rubbing ink with the bleeding wound.
Since the method of the metal stamp turned out to be slightly practical, one began to use a device of an alone needle, which was perforating in the skin the contour of the digits of the number of series. The place of the tattoo changed to the external side of the left forearm. Nevertheless, in 1943 the prisoners of several transport had the number tattooed in the internal top side of the left forearm. Generally, the number was tattooed when one was assigning it, in the moment of the record. The prisoners sent directly to the gas chambers were never assigned nor were tattooing a number.

Who were the kapos? Why did their fellowmen fear these leaders?
Kapo was a term used for certain prisoners that Nazi were employed inside the concentration camps during the Second World war at several lower administrative positions. The German word Kameraden Polizei the "foreman" and the " official can mean also non-commissioned ", and stems from the Frenchman for the "end" or from the Italian word boss. The kapos received more privileges that the normal prisoners, towards whom they were often brutal. The kapos were commonly prisoners that had offered to do this work in exchange for receiving the privileges.

How did secret service officers select their victims?
After the disappearance of the SA, Hitler assigned the SS ("Schutz-Staffeln", protection set squares) the control of the fields and Heinrich Himmler took charge organizing them. With such an end it created a few detachments destined for the service of custody of the fields, the "Totenkopfverbánde" (formations(trainings) of the skull), recruited between the most fanatical Nazi. The prisoners' first remittances come to the fields were forced to work under a discipline and in a few inhuman conditions to raise and to extend the establishments. Those that were not capable of supporting it were dying without remedy or were shot; nevertheless, in no case the truth was revealed on the deceased.

In this part of the book it hedescribes you since they were killing the Jews they say to you on the kapos and since they were selecting the persons to kill them and to put them to the gas chamber Also he says to you that whenever they were callig the jews they wer not calling by her name they were calling by the number they had in her arm.
I watch a video in one page of internet it's about genosides since the holocaust to the war of Irak he is the link if you want to watch it:

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