domingo, 22 de marzo de 2009

night page 66 to 84

What was the final solution? Who propose it?
This refere to their plan to annihilate the Jewish people and was proposed by Adolf Hitler.

Wich was the first alternative for the final solution?
By the end of 1941, Himmler and Heydrich were becoming increasingly impatient with the progress of the Final Solution. Their main opponent was Göring, who had succeeded in exempting Jewish industrial workers from the orders to deport all Jews to the General Government and who had allied himself with the Army commanders who were opposing the extermination of the Jews out of mixture of economic calculation, distaste for the SS and humanitarian sentiment. Although Göring's power had declined since the defeat of his Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain, he still had privileged access to Hitler.

What is the D day?
The term day D the military men use it generically to indicate the day in which it is necessary to to initiate an assault or an operation of combat. The letter D does not have any meaning and usually it represents a variable, indicating the day in which some significant event has had or it will take place. At the end of they ' 40, were another version of the meaning by day D, this one was "Doomsday" the Day of Judgment.

Mention two of the most important SS officers:
Max Roithmeier, Max Schneider, Heinz Fritz Traeger, Georg Wache and Helmunt Wulf.

This part of the book was very interesting because when they served them of eating a person said that it should wait in order that puedieran to pray and since terminadorn of praying a man said that in order that hacian if god not towards case and they starts questioning hacerca of because if always they and his relatives pray to god because suffering this one.The man believe in god because it help in his problems and in this case them to have some hope that inside the field algun day they were going to be able to work out healthy and slavos and also to be able to pray for his relatives that were dead man in the concentration camps and that they suffered so much.

1 comentario:

jennie riveroll dijo...

Good work, Paulina. I am glad to see that you are taking things seriously now. Keep on working like that. M.Jennie Riveroll