sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008

I travel to Germany 1914 I found a little boy and he began talking about him with me.My name is Daniel I have 9 years old and I live in Germany in a big house with my father and with a friend of my father that his name is John.
When I born my mother die because she had complications and was imposible to save him. My father works in a library that he bought many years ago I always go with him to help selling books.
One morning we arrive to the library and on the courtain there was a message with yellow paint that said: " Die Jewish" and the nazis sign.We open the library and mu father said to me " Dany I have to go to the house of Mr. Wargner to gave here these books please take care of you and sell books doing right your math operations.When my father was walking down the street to the house of Mr. Wargner he saw many people outside of his houses and the German soldiers take the Jewish people inside a military truck.
My father after sawing that decides to return to the library and he close for ever and decides to go out from Germany.
We abandoned our house and we began walking on the camp to protect us from the German soldiers.
We sleep in farms that we found in the camp, when we have to eat sometimes we need to robb the breath, seeds and eggs.We have to take care of the bombs, granades and also for the soldiers.
When we entered to a town we try that the people don't see us and we try to take somethig to eat in our pokets to continue our travel.
One day my father was walking in the camp and he fall down in a hole I help him to go out and we found a house and there was living a lovely German familly that help us allot. The name of the man was Mr. Flaubert he was a doctor and he cure my father of his broken leg.
The doctor offererd us to stay in his house untill my father can walk but the cold was very close an my father began to feel very bad he has a problem with flue an it beggan with complications because he was very thin.My father die I was very sad but the doctor adopted me.
He has 2 childs and with me were 3 .
The war was very long and the doctor was very worried about the situation of the country.
One day he decide to take us to America in a big ship. He had a friend that do me German documents so I can entered like his child.
We arrive to America the doctor had problems at the begining because we don´t find were to stablish but then we found a beautifull house. And my second father began working in a shoes company.
One day in tyhe company a man fall down and he was very bad, my father help him and someone told to the owner of the company that my father was a doctor and he promote to a very important hospital in the U.S.A.
He began working in a big hospital and we were very happy together.
I am very gatefull with him because he gave me allot of things like a school, clothes but the most important the love of a familly.
I miss my parents allot but I also thanks to my mother that he gave me the life and to my dad that he safe me from the Germans.
I know that they are in heaven and also that they are guiding and taking care of me.

Setting: Germany, 1914. First World War.
I want to Travel to that time because I found interesting that time of the history.
I will change all the bad thigs that Hitler do to the Jewish people. All the thigs that he do are bad because he kill allot of inocent people only to have power is the same thing that Bush is doing in Irak he is killig allot of people only for one stupid thing the petroleum.
I will not change that in the world already exist good people that want to help others.

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